sobota, 22 października 2011

Opening of White Cube Bermondsay

On the 12th of October White Cube Gallery opened its new and biggest exhibition space White Cube Bermondsay in London. The accompanying exhibition for this event is Structure & Abscence featured artists such as Andreas Gursky, Wade Guyton, Eberhard Havekost, Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Sergej Jensen, Jacob Kassay, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Gabriel Orozco, Eileen Quinlan, Sterling Ruby, Robert Ryman, Erin Shirreff, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Jeff Wall. Art has been exhibited in three different rooms. First room included natural forms and colours. Second room shown brighter colours and geometrical abstraction whereas third room exhibited paintings with more shadow colours. Such structure of the exhibition resembles a musical composition which has its rise, climax and fall alike. What makes the exhibition truly outstanding though is that it takes look at contemporary abstraction from the completely different angle. Geometrical shapes, vivid colours and horizontal lines on the paintings looked particularly impressive in the clear and very spacious space of the White Cube gallery in Bermondsay. New White Cube Bermondsay is one of the biggest commercial galleries in the UK and even in Europe. The opening of White Cube Bermondsay along with very impressive exhibition was attended by the crowd of people which promises that the gallery will be very successful and might become one of the most remarkable art spaces in the UK and possibly internationally.

Gerhard Richter in Tate Modern

On the 6th of October, Gerhard Richter’s exhibition in Tate Modern has been officially opened. Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden in Germany on the 9th February 1932. On the occasion of artist’s 80th birthday exhibition Gerhard Richter: Panorama in Tate Modern shows a retrospective of his career. To many, Gerhard Richter is known to be one of the most remarkable artists of the 20th and the 21st century. Exhibition itself features artist's paintings based on photographs, portraits, landscapes, history but also beautiful abstract paintings with artist's signature style of ’blurring’ of the colours. Artist's historical paintings reflect history of Germany featuring his family members who were both members and victims of Nazi party, the destruction of his home city-Dresden and also the period of socialism. Subject matter of artist's work shows that he is not afraid to touch upon controversial topics, such as war in Iraq or Nazism. It is remarkable that Gerhard Richter was one of the first Germans who presented art concerning the dark history of his country after the Second World War. The artist still continue to respond to major historical events, such as attacks on the World Trade Center. Painting of that catastrophe is shown in the last room of the exhibition. In artist’s view, blurred image of twin towers suggest that painting has its limits in representing history as it is almost impossible to include all the human suffering on one canvas. Gerhards Richter’s extraordinary abstract paintings on one hand and photorealistic black and white paintings on the other hand, presented together in one exhibition, show artist’s unique style and the fact that he never fails to surprise the viewer. Exhibition will be opened till 8th of January 2012.

More information about the artist:

piątek, 7 października 2011

Rancinan in London Opera Gallery 12th September till 2nd of October 2011

Gerard Rancinan is a French artists born in Bordeaux and one of the highest ranked photographers in France. He travels around the globe and witnesses events of historical and political importance such as ethnic wars, natural catastrophes, urban riots. In his pictures he explores burning issues of human condition in contemporary world, for which he was awarded a World Press Award.

Opera Gallery in London presented his first London show of his latest series of photographs. Gallery presents four series of photographs.

First of them is Metamorphoses which is the artist’s testimonial of the mutations shaking our world today. His photography is inspired by artistic masterpieces. By drawing on from ancient art he revisits mankaind‘s most significant troubles and historical events to reveal how important they still remain today. By extremely controversial set of portraits and photographs he addresses planet’s most profound issues such as globalisation, ecology, migration, human rights, freedom, fast foods and starvation. Series Wonderful world portraits world as a big amusement park and Portraits is a set of portraits of famous artists living in a creative world, such as Moncia Belluci, which unravel parts of their artistic souls.

Gerard Rancinan is a must-see artist not only due to highest professional quality and realisation of his photographs but most of all because of the problems which he addresses which his photographs so powerfully reveal and about which we so easily tend to forget.