sobota, 22 października 2011

Gerhard Richter in Tate Modern

On the 6th of October, Gerhard Richter’s exhibition in Tate Modern has been officially opened. Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden in Germany on the 9th February 1932. On the occasion of artist’s 80th birthday exhibition Gerhard Richter: Panorama in Tate Modern shows a retrospective of his career. To many, Gerhard Richter is known to be one of the most remarkable artists of the 20th and the 21st century. Exhibition itself features artist's paintings based on photographs, portraits, landscapes, history but also beautiful abstract paintings with artist's signature style of ’blurring’ of the colours. Artist's historical paintings reflect history of Germany featuring his family members who were both members and victims of Nazi party, the destruction of his home city-Dresden and also the period of socialism. Subject matter of artist's work shows that he is not afraid to touch upon controversial topics, such as war in Iraq or Nazism. It is remarkable that Gerhard Richter was one of the first Germans who presented art concerning the dark history of his country after the Second World War. The artist still continue to respond to major historical events, such as attacks on the World Trade Center. Painting of that catastrophe is shown in the last room of the exhibition. In artist’s view, blurred image of twin towers suggest that painting has its limits in representing history as it is almost impossible to include all the human suffering on one canvas. Gerhards Richter’s extraordinary abstract paintings on one hand and photorealistic black and white paintings on the other hand, presented together in one exhibition, show artist’s unique style and the fact that he never fails to surprise the viewer. Exhibition will be opened till 8th of January 2012.

More information about the artist:

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