sobota, 10 grudnia 2011

Miss World 2011

Miss World


E&TMiss World 2011 and the celebration of 60 years of Miss World competition took place on Sunday the 6th of November 2011 in Earls Court, London, the city where it all began 60 years ago. Miss World competition debuted during the festival of Britain on the south bank of the river Thames in 1951. The aim was to find the most beautiful woman in the world. The first winner was Kiki Hakansson, from Sweden. Since then, the competition has become extremely popular and has aided in building positive links between participating countries. Throughout history, it is one of the few international events that has not been disturbed by any other global affairs or events. Another goal of the Miss World’s pageant is to contribute to charitable projects. It has raised hundreds of millions of dollars through its charity programme called Beauty with Purpose.
E&TThere were one hundred and thirteen countries that took part in the Miss World 2011. Over half of this year‘s representatives are in full time educational programmes and speak three or more languages. This is just one aspect that reflects how bright and talented they are. The live show in Earls Court was hosted by the USA TV star Jason Cook and the presenter of Good Morning China, Angela Chow. The show broadcasted live in one hundred and fifty countries around the world, attracting more than one billion viewers. Diversity, the winner of 2009 Britain’s Got Talent show, kicked off this years show with a bang. Then all contestants walked out in extravagant dresses and the prejudging marks were revealed. These marks reflected the previous stages of the competition where contestants faced various challenges during their trip around the UK.
E&TMeanwhile, the British group Blue and Ramin Karmillo’s solo performance of a song from Phantom in the Opera spiced up the show. Per Nelson Mandela’s wishes, his grandson then delivered the important message of humanitarian action. This year’s panel of judges was comprised of previous Miss World winners. Miss England, Miss Korea, Miss Venezuela, Miss Philippines, Miss Puerto Rico, Miss South Africa and Miss Scotland made it to the final stage of the competition and had one last chance to convince the jury by delivering a short speech. The speeches revealed one of the main purposes of the competition - to make the difference to the world‘s most burning problems.

Eventually, they announced the winners. Third place was granted to Miss Puerto Rico, second place to Miss Philippines and first place, somewhat unsurprisingly, to Miss Venezuela, Ivian Lunasol Sarcos Colmenares. Previous Miss World, Alexandria Mills from the USA, crowned the new winner and the show was closed with the song performed by all the contestants.
E&TAlthough the competition itself attracts criticism from various activists groups, its underlying charitable purpose and symbolism of peace between the countries still exist. At the same time, the competition promotes the idea that young talented women are able to fulfill their dreams and make a difference in the world. To this end, the winner is not only the most beautiful woman in the world but most importantly the one who is willing to commit her talents to being a part of the solution to the social problems around the globe.

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