środa, 21 września 2011

Hong Kong film week in London

Hong Kong film week in London took place between 12-16th September 2011 under the Think Asia Think Hong Kong, to promote the cinema industry of Hong Kong. Five movies were screened for free in the centre of China Town in London; Overheard 2, IP man, Echoes of the Rainbow, Love in a Puff and Beast Stalker. This event was extremely popular and even though I tried to book my ticekts very early I only managed to get places for two films: Ip man and Love in a Puff, which was a perfect combination as the first movie is a historical drama and the second one a romantic comedy showing a modern life style of young people in Hong Kong.

Ip Man was released in 2008, it is a story based on the life of the grand master of Wing Chun, a style of kung fu, it is set in the city of Foshan and takes place during the Sino-Japanese War. This authentic story shows Ip man as a man of incredible character, caring about the others and determined to achieve the perfection in his passion- martial arts. Story about love and the sadness of war which was accompanied by a beautiful music and incredible martial art choreography together make a very good and moving film.

Another film, Love in a Puff is based on anti-smoking law which bans smoking in all indoor areas, which was implemented in Hong Kong in 2007. Because of the ban the office smokers take their cigarette breaks in the street and have the opportunity to meet the others. This is how Cherie, a sales girl in Sephora, met Jimmy. They gradually become closer to each other, leaving their old friends behind and sharing cigarettes in different places in Hong Kong. This film was full of jokes and small talk between the characters, their night strolls and car rides, in the city which is so unknown to me and the city which I might never have a chance to visit. Yet after 1,5 hours in the cinema I felt like I have been there and I wish I could come back!

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